Friday, April 2, 2010

Guild Updates!

I hope everybody had an awesome spring break.

Our next meeting is next Thursday, the 8th. We'll be nominating officers for next year, so please come and vote. Don't forget that in order to run for office or vote, we need to have our dues in. Please see our favorite treasurer, Alyse, if you have any questions. Bart, our VP, will be doing an acrylic welding/cement demonstration.

On the 9th we'll be having a work party to get ready for the fundraiser. We'll be selling at the undergrad show opening on the 12th. Don't forget to enter your pieces into the show! Submissions will be accepted between the 5th and the 8th. The entry form/info pamphlet is on the bulletin board on the 4th floor of the art building, near the painting display.