Friday, February 19, 2010

Notes from the Meeting on 2/18

Everyone who skipped the meeting: you're fired! Just kidding! Thanks everyone who came. Kierstin gave a great Mokume Gane demo. If you missed out but are still interested, Kierstin may still have one or two extra hand-outs.

The most important piece of business discussed was Guild dues. We need to have them in at our next meeting which will be on March 4, 12:10pm in the Metals Studio. $15 per individual and $25 per couple. If you can't make it to the meeting, please email us at to work something out.

At our next meeting Seth will be giving an acrylic forming demo, so hopefully everyone can make it. We're working on having kits put together to go along with the demos so we can all try it.

As always, please send ideas, suggestions, and pictures to I've updated the blog links to include member sites, so let me know if you have a site you'd like to add.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Next Meeting

It's official: we're approved! Yeeehaw!

Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 18 at 12:10pm. We'll have potluck style lunch, so feel free to bring a dish. We're trying to accomodate everyone, so if you have any special diet issues, please let us know.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Notes from Today's Meeting

Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting today. The food was delicious.

Essentially for the semester, we plan to do several fundraisers as well as demonstrations within the club. A number of opportunities for fundraising are coming up, such as the First Friday Artwalks downtown and show openings. Selling pins, magnets, earrings and other pieces in the sub is also a possibility. A "Red Eye, Black Tie" event (potentially inter-club or inter-department), wherein we work for twelve solid hours on pieces and open a show directly after for silent auction. This could be for charity as well as benefiting our organization.

Several local businesses are interested in displaying work. Vinyl Perk and the Portneuf Valley Brewery regularly show pieces and are friendly to students. The campus galleries are partial to student/club shows. We will have plenty of chances both as individuals and as a Guild to display our art. I will post more information about our department shows and deadlines for submissions as it becomes available with appropriate links.

As a Guild, we also want to reach out and be part of the local art community. We will be working with other ISU clubs as well as the local art organizations. We're looking into providing workshops for the local school districts in elementary through high school art classes. An after-school program has also been suggested. We will participate in the ISU Tech Fair, which will be during the week following finals. As the weather warms up, we will be more actively involved with the First Friday Artwalk with outdoor displays and demonstrations for the public.

We're not asking for club fees until our constitution is officially sanctioned by the university. The range will be around $10-15. Hopefully from these fees we will have a Mokume Gane (Japanese alloying/forging technique) demonstration, or potentially visit the copper mine in Utah.

Our next meeting will be in 2 weeks, and we'll be sure to inform everyone well in advance. The time may change in order to accommodate as many members as possible.

If you missed the meeting, please be sure to send me your contact info to:

Also, send pics of your work, work in progress and any thoughts, comments, or suggestions to:

Thanks everybody. I hope you're as excited as I am.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It Begins..

Not only do we have a Guild, but also a blog! This is an experiment, but hopefully it will be an effective way to share information. I'm going to use first names only in any post because I have identity theft hyperphobia. We are still waiting for our constitution to be approved, but so far so good. Amy Jo agreed to be our faculty advisor, and the process is rolling along.

Our current officers are:
President: Seth
Vice President: Bart
Treasurer: Alyse
Secretary/Historian: Rebecca
Activities Coordinator: Kierstin

Our first meeting will be this Thursday (Feb. 4th) at 12:15 PM in the metalsmithing studio. An assortment of light lunch food will be available. We hope to get an official roster of members and contact info, as well as go over our organization rules. If you are interested in joining the Guild, but can't make it to the meeting you can e-mail me your info at:

I hope to develop this blog with photos of members and our work as well as links to useful/interesting sites. Any members with a personal website or blog are welcome to link here. Please send me any suggestions, links, and/or photos to:

I look forward to meeting everyone and working with you on projects this semester.
